We’ll Be Right Back, You Just Keep Playing!

Having a child means dedicating a large part of your life to them. And, if you happen to be an artist, the inner child sneaks into your creation in every possible way: as a co-creator, entrusting their fantasies to you or sublimating your own tenderness and care. But not only that. Although Estonian art usually tends to be rather serious, you can indeed find joyful play in it – not only in the subject matter of the works of art, but also in their structure and development, their lines, colours and volumes. It is also found in the artist’s idea, to which the viewer adds their own experience, because it is very important for an art lover to be willing to play along! Only then can we join Raul Meel, the most venerable and one of the oldest artists in this exhibition, in saying that “the precondition for eternal life is noticing the beauty in playing”. Before awaiting a happy reunion, we will play one last round in our good old Art Hall building, after which we will welcome you in the Lindakivi pavilion in Lasnamäe. Please keep playing! We’ll just be away for a little while.