Flo Kasearu
Error Free Correction

Error Free Correction is a site specific piece Flo Kasearu has conceived for the prominent glass facade of the Art Hall facing Freedom Square that expands the exhibition onto the public sphere. Almost completely blending in with the surfaces of the city comprising advertising and signage, graphic work leads back to a workshop the artist held with the women of the Pärnu shelter.
For the latter, Kasearu brought posters from a campaign issued by the Estonian Social Insurance Board, which, among others, aimed to aid victims of domestic violence, including providing counselling opportunities. In sharing and discussing the campaign, the artist asked the women what they would change in the wording of the posters, so that their message would echo their thoughts and situations in life. The facade piece therefore references three selected changes in the posters that are composed together in this new piece. “You have the right to a life without domestic violence” turned into “I have the right to my life”, “NB 24/7 reachable for free” was changed to “Are you coming to help me during the night?”, and “Asking for help is the biggest thing you can do” became “Help yourself”. Like many of the works in the show, Error Free Correction highlights, despite the help offered by others, how important self determination and independent action are in calling a halt to a life of victimhood.