Tata Frenkel
How One Levitates Safely?

In the morning at dawn you have time to make your exit unnoticed. Just for you, there is a radio sky above, not showing the exact thing, providing no evidence for what’s happening to you, and yet it’s the biggest clue.
The exhibition includes long-format sketches and diagrams by artist-researcher and thereminist Tata Frenkel, collected over several years. These works are scripts for verbal storytelling about technical, biomechanical and mental transformations, such as how one becomes a Foucault pendulum, fun flying machines, the tragic fate of Otto Lilienthal that curbed people’s desire to be birds, how a human lives few times, and Luftmensch – a flying human who can’t ground themselves, and how one becomes a radio body. These visual works were created during periods when the artist had issues with verbal expression due to medical condition, making them a methodical documentation of literal artistic communication.
Among the graphic works there are also prints on fabric, originally called Open Coat – a poetical case analysis. According to the artist, the imaginative open coat bestows a sense of uncertainty, doubt, indetermination and yet openness, embodying a corporeal kinesthetic consciousness. These prints consist of documents from an open-source archive dedicated to Osip Mandelstam. Whether depicting the dramatic loss of space or featuring dragonflies and bees, some symbols enchant by resembling the sacred symbols, transporting the viewer to a faraway realm.
During the exhibition Tata Frenkel will give a performative lecture / guided tour introducing the narratives of this work.