Nona Inescu
Vestigial Structures

The video Vestigial Structures takes its starting point from the concretions that are still considered to be a mystery of nature and a geological curiosity, due to their unusual shapes, textures, sizes and resemblance to human manufactured objects or fossils. In the video, the stones found by Nona in Romania appear to be attached to a human body, which not only accepts this proximity, but searches for a common “ground”. In addition to the body “exercises” using the stones as nodular patches attached to one’s skin, Nona juxtaposes images filmed in black and white at the Carnac stones in Brittany. The Carnac stones comprise almost 3,000 menhirs that span more than 4 km and date to the Neolithic period. Placed in rows, the Carnac stones have been the subject of many disputed theories and traditional myths regarding their origin – from a hypothesis that they were erected by giants, to a belief that they are pagan soldiers turned to stone by Pope Cornelius, to a more recent theory on their astronomical alignment, as well as their architectural purpose.
– Diana Marincu