Chto Delat?
One Night in a Social Network: An Opera-Farce

We live in a time of emotional turn. What is truth and what is not no longer depends on the possibility of reasoning but on the heavy emotional impact of communication. We see the base for this turn in the changes of language of communication – the appearance of the culture of emoji and gif-animations in our daily life interactions. They are ideograms usually used in social net-works and personal on-line communications. Emoji exist in various genres, including facial expressions, common objects, places and types of weather, animals and many other forms and media.
The whole action starts when the user is receiving information about the killing of Arcady Babchenko – a notorious Russian journalist who lived in exile in Ukraine. The user with the help of trolls and Emoji starts following the case and jumps into the surreal world of post-truth. The journey finishes when in the morning he receives information that Arcady Babchenko is resurrected and his death was a special operation of secret services.