Flo Kasearu. Cut out of life
Cathrin Mayer
Texts: Cathrin Mayer
Consultation: Margo Orupõld
Exhibition team: Karolin Nummert, Siim Preiman, Essi Vesala
Communication: Sirli Oot, Alexia Menikou, Agenda PR
Graphic design: Indrek Sirkel, Ott Kagovere
Poster visual: Hedi Jaansoo
Installation: Valge Kuup
Technical help: Tõnu Narro
Artwork production: Epp Kubu, Juhan Vihterpal, Mart Raun, Piibe Kolka, Jette Keedus, Stanislav Stepaško, Hedi Jaansoo, Andres Gailan, Villem Rootalu, Mihkel Lember, Overall, Sander Mölder, Collegium Musicale
Translations: Epp Aareleid, Ksenia Krimer, Refiner Translations, Viipekeeletõlkide OÜ
Copy-editing: Helve Hennoste, Dan O’Connell
Subtitles: Henri Piiroja
Interview video: Keiu Maasik
Audio guide: Audioguide OÜ
Sign language videos: Johan Huimerind
Public programme: Annely Köster, Minni Moyle, Kerttu Juhkam, Sally Stuudio, Olesja Katšanovskaja-Münd
Many thanks to: Pärnu Women’s Shelter, Vint Narro, Tõnu Narro, Heneliis Notton, Mirtel Lember, Juta Lember, Johanna
And finally a special thanks to all the survivors of domestic violence for sharing their stories.