Amélie Laurence Fortin

Amélie Laurence Fortin’s visionary artwork Supralunarity presents a futuristic and utopian vision of the adaptation of Freeman Dyson’s celebrated “Dyson Sphere” concept to our celestial neighbour, the Moon. In her project, Fortin posits that a civilisation of the future will systematically harness energy from the stars by constructing an intricate network of “shells” or structures, designed to capture and collect energy.
Inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s philosophies on cooperation and the accumulation of knowledge, Fortin envisions the Moon as a shared energy space that fosters international cooperation and allows humanity to protect Earth’s biodiversity while achieving greater ambitions in space exploration. Her proposal calls for the construction of a solar panel “shell” built like a skeleton, encasing the Moon and supplying all the solar energy needed to sustain human expansion on Earth.
In line with the United Nations’ call for international cooperation in space, Fortin’s Supralunarity challenges traditional imperialist thinking and offers a novel perspective on energy, sustainability, and the future of humanity. By adopting a cooperative utilitarianism, Fortin proposes an effective operational and structural strategy capable of transforming our thinking and preparing us for a brighter, more harmonious future. Fortin’s work is a bold and imaginative contribution to the field of art, as well as to our broader cultural conversation about the ways in which we can positively shape our world and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.